More than just the wet spots

Wet Springs

Beginning the growing season with a saturated field can prevent you from getting a crop planted in the optimum window.

Start the season right

Having a field with a non saturated soil profile and no "wet areas" allows you to get started earlier and gives you a bigger window to get your crop planted.

Untimely Rains

Getting rain when your soil profile is already full can put your crop behind before its even had a chance to get started.

Built in cushion

By having a soil profile that isn't saturated and drainage system in place; you can reduce the risk of crop injury from excess rain.

Improve weed control

Slow growth

Saturated soils can slow a crops growth allowing more time for sun to reach the ground and weeds to germinate resulting in multiple herbicide applications or weedy fields.

Quicker to canopy

Having a crop growing in field with proper soil profile will reach canopy quicker which is your best defense in preventing new weed growth.

Improve soil health

High ph soil without tile

Growing soybeans on high ph soils can be a challenge.  The affects of idc are easy to spot out but not easy to correct.  Varieties, cropping practices, and seed treatments  can minimize the affects, tile can be another added tool.

High ph soil with tile

The above pictures were soybeans planted in the same field, same day, same iron chelate treatment, same seed treatment, and same variety with a high idc rating; only difference being tile.

Promote root growth

Shallow Roots

A plant  growing in saturated soils can lack root growth, limiting its access to nutrients and water when the rains do stop.

Developed Roots

Subsurface drainage can help you manage your soil profile allowing roots to develop properly.  Having a plant with a better root system helps it be able to survive and develop through summer stress.

Harvest Stress

Wet Falls

There are enough stresses that come along with harvest; a wet fall can compound those stresses and make every task seem difficult.

Harvest on time

Subsurface drainage can keep your soil profile maintained so that you are not waiting near as long to get back into the field to get your crops harvested.

Prepare for next year

Damage can linger

By having to "mud a crop", a grower can be setting themselves up for failures for the next growing season.  Compaction from harvesting a crop when the ground was to wet can carryover into the next year causing a new set of problems.

End the year right

Being able to harvest when the ground is fit allows a grower to start next year on the right foot.  Also allows more opportunity for fall tillage, herbicide, or nitrogen applications.

Improve your farm with pattern tiling

If any of the scenarios above look familiar on your farm, your should consider pattern tiling.  Instead of just hoping for better next year, start managing your soil profile now with sub surface drainage.  Nobody can control the weather but as a grower you do everything you can to prepare your crops for what mother nature might throw at them.  Whether it is tillage practices, seed variety, nutrients, or herbicides; you research and invest what best fits your farm.  Every year you apply a large investment to each of your fields, but by investing in tile once, you can get a better return on those annual investments.